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Miembros del equipo

Natalia Dothée

Natalia Dothée

Founder CEO

Before founding Flyght, she spent nearly two decades in marketing, advertising, and public relations, in major beauty, hospitality, and entertainment companies as a Senior Communications Strategist and marketing executive.

Kelly Parker

Kelly Parker

HR Representative

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Madelaine Fiorani

Madelaine Fiorani


Co-Founder. She spent most of her career in the legal field as a Legal Assistant for the Federal Government. She obtained her 4th degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, 1st degree black belt in Krav Maga and blue belt in Jiujitsu.

Marcus Harris

Marcus Harris

Account Director

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Brad Grecco

Brad Grecco

Marketing Associate

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Camilla Jones

Camilla Jones

Content Manager

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